Gift Responsibly: Lottery Groups Unite to Discourage Giving Tickets to Minors


Sixty-six global lottery entities have united for a festive season initiative in the USA. Their objective is to increase understanding of the hazards associated with underage wagering. Research demonstrates a significant correlation between early engagement in gambling and an elevated probability of developing gambling-related difficulties later on.

The initiative, titled “Gift Responsibly 2023,” represents a partnership between these lottery associations and 84 civic groups. They are particularly apprehensive about lottery scratch cards being presented to minors as presents during the holiday period. Picture receiving a scratch-off as a stocking filler – it might appear innocuous, but this initiative aims to emphasize the potential risks of trivializing gambling at a young age.

To disseminate their message, they are employing diverse strategies such as public awareness announcements, social media updates, digital advertisements, and in-store materials. They are also conducting retailer training. Their message is straightforward and unambiguous: lottery tickets are inappropriate presents for children.

This initiative is spearheaded by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) in the United States and the International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors at McGill University. Jeffrey Derevensky, the center’s director, notes that gambling is becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide, with unprecedented ease of access. He emphasizes that it’s vital to recognize that even young individuals can encounter gambling-related problems. “Gift Responsibly” serves as a timely reminder for adults to refrain from giving lottery tickets as gifts to minors.

This year marks the sixth anniversary of the initiative, underscoring the continuous dedication to safeguarding young individuals from the perils associated with gambling.

This collaborative undertaking unites numerous lottery entities from both the United States and Canada, alongside global associations dedicated to lotteries and ethical gaming practices. Prominent organizations such as the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries, the World Lottery Association, and European Lotteries are all participating. Keith Whyte, the Executive Director at NCPG, expressed enthusiasm for the widespread support. He stressed the significance of disseminating information broadly regarding the inherent dangers of gambling among minors.

This development follows the NCPG’s allocation of $176,000 in grants to five distinct non-profit organizations addressing problematic gambling throughout the United States.

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